Rest Stops

How Long Should You Stay At A Rest Stop?

Do you travel often? If you answered yes to this question, you’ve probably had your share of stopping at rest stops.  Did you know that rest stops are notoriously known for being dangerous and being a hotspot for local crimes?

Why Stopping at the Nearest Rest Stop Could Hurt You

Unfortunately, rest stops are a breeding ground for the following:

  • Thieves (robberies and breaking into vehicles)
  • Prostitution
  • Drug Dealers
  • Vandalism
  • Unclean facilities that may harbor germs

When Is It Okay to Make a Long Stay at a Rest Stop?

It may depend on your state or area when it comes to making a long stay at a rest stop.  Some states do not allow travelers to stay at a rest stop overnight.   However, these guidelines aren’t geared towards safety.  This is more about state rules and regulations if you WANTED to stay at a rest stop.  When it comes to if you SHOULD stay for a long period at a rest stop, the general conscious is that you should never make a long stay or stay overnight unless you absolutely have to.

How Long Should I Stay at a Rest Stop?

Most policemen, truckers, travelers, or anyone with any authority on the subject would probably say that you need to stop at a rest stop long enough to do the following things:

  • Gas up
  • Stock up on supplies and food
  • Use the restroom facilities
  • Get a bite to eat

After that all that is completed, most would say that it is time to head back onto the road.  However, sometimes that is just not able to happen.  You may have had trouble on the road and need repairs on your vehicle, there might be bad weather or blockages stopping you from leaving, or you may just be unable to hold your eyes open from exhaustion and it would be much safer to stay for the night.   In this event, there are some things you need to know when staying at a rest stop overnight.

Scope the Place Out

If the stop looks like a place you would see in a horror movie, it would probably be best to avoid it. However, sometimes it could be a last resort. If you absolutely have to stay there, take note of its name and some kind of landmark, just in case authorities need to be called.

Avoid Loiterers

If someone is hanging out in the parking lot of a rest stopwithout an agenda (phone call, cigarette, etc.), there is a chance that they may have malicious intent. They could be out to steal, turn a trick, or initiate a drug deal. Try to spend as little time in the parking lot as you can.

Keep Your Valuables on Your Person

If you take your valuables out of your car and keep them on your person, the person attempting to rob your car won’t get anything of value. To avoid a mugging, stay out of the parking lot as much as you can.

How Can I Be Safe When Staying for a Longer Period at a Rest Stop?

  • Know where you are:  If you absolutely have to stay a while in a seedy area, take note of its name and some kind of landmark, just in case authorities need to be called.
  • Lock your car:  This should be obvious, but sometimes people just forget to lock their cars. Always double check. Robberies are very common at rest stops. 
  • Stay inside as much as possible:  As mentioned before, most of the seedy events happen in the parking lots of rest stops.  If you are staying overnight or for a longer period than usual, try to avoid the parking lot as much as you can and only utilize it when it is absolutely necessary.

Differences in Rest Stops

Also keep in mind that some rest stops are nicer than others and it really depends on the type of funding that they receive.  The difference is actually quite staggering.

Interstate rest areas funded by federal highway user taxes will only provide travelers with “rest areas” that contain:

  • Restrooms
  • Vending Machines
  • Small Amount of Parking

Interstate rest areas backed by toll-revenue finance could potentially provide:

  • Vehicle Refueling
  • Food and Beverage Eateries
  • Minor Shopping Areas
  • Better Amount of Parking

Ultimately, it is up to you on whether you stay for a longer period at a rest stop or not.  You may have to due to uncontrollable situations, but if it is not that type issue, try to make your best judgement on the location.  If you are unsure if you can stay longer in a certain rest stop, there are guides by the state.

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